Botanic Bleu Market

Green Signs of Spring | French Country Spirit

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A soup tureen filled with beautiful blooming blue muscari, green moss, and a green bird's egg on my breakfast table is a sure sign Spring is on its way. 

Spring does not arrive until mid-March, and Winter is hanging on with temperatures into the low 20s this first week of March in north Texas, but cheery blooming grape hyacinths are yearly reminders Winter will end and Spring is just around the corner. 

G R E E N   S I G N S   O F   S P R I N G 

french country spirit   

Hope keeps us going in the face of weariness from life. Dark, dreary overcast gray days with barren trees in Winter wear our spirits down, but a little green life from early blooming bulbs provides the hope of sunnier days to come. 

French Country is the decorating style that appeals most to me, but French Country is more than a decorating style. French Country is  also a lifestyle, one filled with joie de vivre (exuberant joy of living.) Savoring the moments of life ... 

Decorating a house involves more than arranging furniture, hanging curtains, and choosing accents. While those things are important bones to the structure of a house and to making our families comfortable, good decorating also includes providing things that lift our spirits. 

Capturing life's moments... a little sunshine streaming onto Spring's first bulbs, a little green moss, and a fresh green bird's egg in my mother's soup tureen... on the kitchen dining table.  

Are any of these things required and functional decor? 


Could the dining table serve meals without a Spring arrangement? 


But for 

joie de vivre 

for exuberant joy of living, 

for capturing life's moments, for lifting our families' spirits during dark, cold Winter days, French Country style calls for adding a table arrangement to remind us of the beauty of living, the joy of new life, and the love of our now-departed family members. 

TIP: Mother's soup tureen is the perfect depth for 4" bedding pots and the perfect color to complement the blue muscari. I left the plants in 4" pots instead of planting the flowers directly in dirt in the soup tureen to make clean up easier after the bulbs finish blooming. Once the blooms are spent, the bulbs can be stored for planting outside this fall. 

The arrangement with its signs of Spring adds much-needed French Country lifestyle to lift our spirits while waiting for Spring to actually arrive. Spring is coming. 

If Winter comes, 
can Spring be far behind?

Percy Bysshe Shelley


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