Fresh Spring looks for your home are possible without spending a lot of money. Is there anyone who does not know about Spring cleaning for a fresh look? Or how about Spring gardening? For just pennies (okay, a few dollars, due to inflation,) those two things work wonders to bring fresh looks to our homes.
Plus, I have a few other specific ideas, for a total of six things, you might want to try as ways to bring fresh Spring looks to your home without spending a lot of money.
General Deep Spring Cleaning
You probably know all the ways to do heavy-duty Spring cleaning beyond normal routine cleaning, but be sure not to forget...
- bed linens switched from heavy comforters, flannel sheets, dark colors to freshly-washed light-weight quilts, linen sheets, white or bright colors...
- rugs and carpets deep cleaned, not just vacuumed
- AC/heat vents and return air vents vacuumed and metal covers washed
- cabinets and drawers cleaned and liners replaced
Indoor Spring Gardening
Cleaning is the best place to start, but gardening is much more fun! A moss bunny surrounded by a living ivy plant brings Spring freshness indoors. See the first photo with all the Spring green... trees, grass, shrubs... out the window behind him, and how he almost blends right into the background?
Yes, Spring gardening brings fresh Spring looks I N T O our homes.
Just look at that adorable face. And how cute he looks clutching the natural-colored wood egg in his arms... He sparkles in the bright Spring sunshine streaming through the windows.
Which is the third way to add fresh Spring looks to our homes.
Uncover and Wash Windows
Uncover your windows to allow all the bright sunshine to lighten your rooms. The sunspace windows in my kitchen have honey-combed white shades that almost disappear when raised. The shades can be lowered at night for privacy, but mine are almost always raised, even at night.
Simple roll-up shades from the local hardware store offer an inexpensive similar window treatment, and give a country farmhouse look that is popular now. Or, do like I did, and hide the raised shade with a short fabric valance...
This is a place that cleaning makes a big difference between a room having a fresh look or a dingy look that detracts from its beauty. Clean windows allow us just to look T H R O U G H them without even seeing them. Dirty windows stop our eyes to see the streaks and dirt instead of the view.
Uncovered windows also allow L A R G E views of emerging fresh outdoor plants. Budding leaves and flowers change daily, and I can spend hours at the breakfast table taking in all of the natural outdoor beauty.
Launder Curtains
A fourth way to add a fresh Spring look is to launder curtains. The small valances hide the raised honey-combed shades on the sunspace windows, but still let in lots of light and views of the back yard.
Freshly laundered, starched, and ironed curtains not only look cleaner and fresher, but smell fresher, too. Gone is the dusty smell that can cause allergies.
Rearrange Furniture
A fifth way to bring a fresh Spring look to your home is to rearrange your furniture. Moving a piece to a new spot costs nothing, but gives a new look to an old space.
The metal plate shelves were on the other side of the breakfast table before new tile was installed in the kitchen. Moving the stand into front of the window frees up the space where it previously stood and makes the area look more spacious.
The French-style shelves have always been a favorite spot in the kitchen for seasonal decorating. Take a peek at the shelves when they were on the other side of the kitchen.
Display White Dishes
Is there anything fresher than W H I T E?
A sixth way to bring a fresh Spring look to a space is to collect all your white dishes to display together... on shelves, a buffet, china cabinet, or stacked as a centerpiece on a dining table. Very early this Spring, I transformed the zinc French-style shelves from a plant stand into a plate stand and could not be happier with how white dishes look on it. Definitely one of the best fresh ideas for Spring that cost absolutely N O T H I N G...
No white dishes, but you would love some? Shop discount stores, garage sales, thrift stores, and low-cost stores like Pier I.
The white plates and soup bowls are from Pier I, bought on sale a couple of years ago.
The white dessert plates on the top shelf and the large serving bowl on the second shelf came from Home Goods over the past three years.
Add white flower pots, stacks of bowls, and stacks of dessert plates to vary heights.

The antique chamber pot came from a vendor at an antique fair, and the white cake plate came from Goodwill.
Come back for tomorrow's post to see
how to create
the budget-friendly moss bunny topiary
that helped bring Spring into my kitchen
6 Ways to Get a Fresh Spring Look
- General Spring Cleaning
- Indoor Spring Gardening
- Uncover and Wash Windows
- Launder Curtains
- Rearrange Furniture
- Display White Dishes
See my Pinterest board, SPRING, for more inspiration to bring Spring fresh looks into your home.
Already finished with Spring cleaning and freshening your home this year? Then save the following to Pinterest for next year. I always need reminders to help me plan that far in advance.
What is your favorite way to bring a fresh Spring look to your home?