Botanic Bleu Market

Wheat Grass Basket with French Script Ribbon

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Pretty centerpieces should not be created only for company. 
Living each day with joy calls for enjoying beauty in the everyday, 
not waiting for something special to happen to enjoy the moment. 
Instead, enjoying the everyday moments makes something special happen. 

Laughter... smiles...feeling good...

The French refer to enjoying life as joie de vivre, 
the joy of living.  

While shopping for groceries recently, I spotted 
fresh wheat grass growing in small square plastic pots 
in the fresh produce section, 
and immediately placed one in my shopping cart. 

Did I know how I was going to use the grass? 


I knew I was NOT going to eat the grass or cook with the grass. 
Do people eat and/or cook with wheat grass? 
My cats love eating grass and have been caught nibbling on this grass. 

The grass just made me happy. 
Made me think Spring, Easter, and Easter egg hunts, 
as I whisked my little shopping cart around gathering groceries. 
My mind turning in its own directions as the cart turned down the aisles. 

Easter baskets... ! 
Stop the grocery basket and think Easter basket with wheat grass. 
You know, an Easter basket with real grass instead of fake paper grass. 

Wheat grass sitting in an old battered basket 
that once had been an Easter basket makes me happy. 

The old Easter basket most recently 
had been hanging around on the kitchen pot rack above the island, 
but was the almost perfect size to hold the square of wheat grass. 

That is the beginning of a Spring basket on the breakfast table 
just for everyday, not for a special occasion. 

One thing led to another as my mind continued to turn in its own happy directions. 

Add the white tulips from last week, and keep the pottery coasters handy 
for sitting iced tea and cokes on so as not to make rings on the table, 
sit the little bunny with French script and lace near the basket. 

Still more of the 'one thing led to another.' 
The little black plastic square holding the grass was not very pretty. 

But, I do have some very pretty 3-inch wide muslin ribbon 
hand-stamped with French script and spangled crowns. 

The ribbon is the perfect height to hide the black plastic container that 
was stealing some of my joie de vivre

There you have it... 

... a wheat grass basket with French script ribbon and bunny 
as an everyday centerpiece. 

Just for the fun of it. 
Just for the joy of living....everyday. 

Want some more inspiration for joie de vivre 
found in an everyday centerpiece? 

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Please join me at these inspiring places for more joy of living. 
Dishing It and Digging It @ Rustic and Refined