With a lot of help from friends
and Google Blogger Help Forum,
my blog problem is now resolved.
...the problem where my blog was redirected to
another address when I tried to access it using Chrome.
May I say, "Whew," again, please?
Keep reading to see what my problem was
and what I learned from this.
My last post,
Six Features of a Southern Garden,
had corrupted files probably caused by
using MSWord in editing my post somehow.
The corrupted code was causing my blog to redirect to a strange place.
You know, I had problems with MSWord
years ago conflicting with my school district's email system.
MSWord...on my bad list again.
To resolve my problem,
I ended up losing two blog posts,
with the possibility of recreating them at a later date.
But, the rest of Botanic Bleu appears to be intact.
May I say, "Whew," again, please?
rated as a Top Contributor on Google Blogger Help Forum,
is one savvy problem solver.
She, I think nitecruzr is a she, looked into
the HTML versions of my blog's recent posts
and spotted the corrupted file in my last post.
She sent me a public email on the Blogger Help Forum site
that highlighted where she thought my problem was.
She also spotted a problem in
The Greenery Garden Center, Part 1.
Now, we often complain about Google Blogger issues,
but today, I am grateful and want to give a
shout out
Blogger Help Forum.
Thank you for the timely recommendations
about how to resolve my blog's issues.
shout out
blogger friends
Art and Sand, Betty from My Irish Cottage, Susan, and
Lavender Dreamer
who responded to my plea for help.
A special shout out to
her kind, generous husband
who both checked access to my blog on
five major browsers and two brands of computers.
Where else other than blogland can you find such kind hearts?
Oh, yes, there are kind souls at church, too.
What did I learn from this experience?
1) Do not use MSWord documents to edit blogger posts.
2) Use Chrome "New Incognito Window" to help troubleshoot Chrome Browser issues.
3) Go to the Blogger Help Forum. You will get answers.
And, it was fun reading some of the other comments...
comic relief that helped ease the tension.
4) Check the most recent blog post's HTML code version when
a new problem arises.
Watch for the word, "fragment."
Bad word. Sort of like, "Bad dog!"
5) Check blog posts prior to the most recent post.
What might have rocked along without causing a problem
can also begin to be a problem when triggered by something else.
5) Check blog posts prior to the most recent post.
What might have rocked along without causing a problem
can also begin to be a problem when triggered by something else.
I still hold my breath until I see my blog post "hold,"
and not disappear from the computer screen.
Then, exhale with relief.
Maybe one day soon, I will no longer hold my breath.

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