Is anyone else having a problem with your browser
redirecting either your own blog or my blog
to another web address?
This may be my last blog post.
I am trying to correct a technical problem, but am having no success.
Can anyone help me resolve the following?
Can you give me the names and contact information
for blog consultants who help for a fee?
Who knows about WordPress?
I may have to migrate there while I still have access to my blog.
Which paid consultants help migrate from Blogger to WordPress?
I cannot access my blog using Chrome or Safari browsers.
I am using Firefox right now, but will not sign out of my blog
for fear I will not be able to access it ever again.
Then Botanic Bleu will be lost.
Below is my last response to the person on
Blogger Help Forum
who was giving me some advice.
1) 3rd Party Cookies were already enabled in Chrome Browser when I checked the setting just now.
2) Cleared/deleted all Cookies AND Cleared Browsing Data
3) Disabled the only Extension in the browser (Pin button)
4) Restarted Chrome browser…problem still exists
5) Tried New Incognito page….same problem occurred which suggests it is not the browser, but a Google Blogspot issue.
6) Problem started June 26, 2014 when I went to my blog using Chrome, signed into my Dashboard, looked at Stats, checked on a post still in Draft mode, signed out, remembered I needed to check something else. Then when I went back to my blog using Chrome, the problem began. My computer screen shows my blog home page while it is loading Google Blogspot info, then when it is finished loading, the screen is redirected to a blank screen with the new address "About:blank"
7) Then I used Safari browser to access my blog. Safari brought up my blog, I signed in, went to my Dashboard, checked my blog for something, logged out. The next time I tried to access my blog using Safari, similar problem occurred as with Chrome. The blog homepage was visible while the browser loaded the info, then the screen was redirected to a blank page with a message about not being able to connect to Squareup because that address did not exist on the internet. The address line in Safari Browser had something with Squareup in it.
8) Closed Safari.
9) Opened Firefox browser. Went to my blog which opened, I signed in and began trying to double check every setting in Layout, Template, etc… Did not see anything that appeared wrong. I have NOT signed out of my blog using the Foxfire browser. That is the only access I have to my blog while I try to figure out how to correct this redirecting issue.
10) Since similar results occurred with more than one browser, that suggests to me again that the problem is inside the Google Blogspot settings, not the Browsers.
11) My sister tried to access my blog using her computer using a Safari Browser.
Her computer acted just like mine...redirected my blog to a bizarre web address.
Third reason this problem appears to be with Google Blogspot, not the Browser.
What do you think? Any ideas?
Please leave me a comment even if you do not have any suggestions,
so I know someone
is getting my blog.