Technology changes so quickly
I have a hard time keeping current.
(Does that happen to anyone else?)
This spring there have been so many
beautiful photos by bloggers using the
new app Waterlogue,
but my iPhone was so old that
Waterlogue could not be installed.
Surely this was a sign that it was time to update my phone.
I, whose old phone about ten years ago
was ridiculed as being a brick, do not really like
cell/mobile phones for several reasons.
Not the place nor time to explain...
If you want to reach me, call me on my land line.
Do not send me text messages.
That costs extra money, either in a monthly plan,
or by individual use.
Do not pull out your smartphone and start using it
while we are having lunch!
Back to Waterlogue...
So, what's a girl to do?
Yepper, go shopping for a new iPhone,
and install Waterlogue on it.
The first of four watercolor images of THE garden shed in my backyard...
Friendly, helpful bloggers taught me how to do this.
1] Send a photo to yourself as an attachment to your email.
2] Open the email and save the attachment on your
iPhone's photo app.
3] Open the photo in the app Waterlogue and voilĂ ,
Garden Shed #2
I want to print a watercolor image of the garden shed to frame.
Now, which one should I use?
Garden Shed #3
Garden Shed #4
After creating these four Waterlogue images,
I emailed them as attachments to myself
and saved them to my computer.
The four different effects reminded me of the four seasons.
Now, the question is which one to use?
The first one, Spring, is my favorite.
Maybe I should print all four and use them
in a grouping...
Here is the original photo used to create the four
Waterlogue images.
For more shed views, see French Garden Shed Elements
No, I don't like cell phones,
but I am beginning to like the
new things they can do.

Please join me at these inspiring sites...