As dawn broke there was just
enough light to gather armloads of
new peony blooms to
make the trip from Alabama to Texas.
White blowsy ruffled-edged blossoms
fill a footed soup tureen that lost its lid
long before I rescued the tureen from the antique store
in a teeny Texas town.
Tinges of pink outer petals and center stamen are the only
color in the fragrant creamy white peonies.
Fresh new hosta leaves add multiple shades of green
to the arrangement.
In the background is a peek at one of
the breakfast chairs with its new upholstery.
Are those large white flowers in the upholstery peonies?
Seriously, what do you think?
I really like how well the upholsterer was able to
center the flower surrounded by the small blue flowers on
both the back and seat of the chair.
Are there too many stamen for the upholstery flowers to be peonies?
Whatever kind the flowers are,
I like the flowers in the new upholstery.
With the white background, the floral pattern is light and airy.
The peony arrangement goes well with the chairs.
Have you noticed how well the blue in the new fabric
goes with blue and white china?
The green leaves in the new upholstery also go well with the hosta leaves.
Peonies, hostas, and breakfast chair upholstery...
All fresh and new...
There are also new upholstered pieces in the living room,
just waiting their turn to be in the spotlight.
Coming soon...
Thank you for coming by for a visit.
Thanks to faithful followers
who were there in the very beginning who continue
to leave encouraging words, and
thanks to all my new followers.
I continue to be amazed and grateful.
And continue to be inspired by
all of your incredible creativity...
Isn't it astonishing that there are
so many talented people out there!
Everyday I see wonderful writing,
fantastic photos, and innovative thinking
worthy of being in national media articles.
But then, isn't a blog a national media article?
Or rather, an international media article?
Keep up the good work.
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